Copyright ©
2016 by Mark Chisholm
Devils Playgound”
Grozny August 1996, Reconnaissance Elements 276 Motor Rifle Regiment probe the
city’s suburb’s. A lone BRDM-2 armoured vehicle threads its way through the ruined
streets of Kolinsky district.
Vasily saw it first “STOP” he yelled the
command thorough the intercom. However it was too late. A small crater had concealed
a wooden pressure plate in turn fitted to a RKG-3 anti-tank grenade. The
explosion was small and fortunately for the crew offset to the right road
wheel. The grenade could have easily driven its blast of molten copper thorough
the relatively light armour of the BRDM to incinerate the crew and everything
else inside its steel confines. Nevertheless, enough damage had been done, the
vehicle limped on another 10 metres the steering was impossible and Sergey
could not wrestle with it anymore. The engine spluttered and coughed then
stopped all together, the battery power alarm let out a shrill whine and a
number of red lights illuminated the drivers console, Sergey attempted a
restart but it was no good the grenade had shredded some of the vehicles
electrics and the oil lines, worse still the strong smell of gasoline had
pervaded the usually neutral aroma of the armoured car.
“She won’t start comrade sergeant” Sergey
uttered. “very well, driver keep your eyes peeled and call out targets as you
see them, prepare your personal defence weapons and stand by, Gunner bring the
cannon around to 3 o clock position keep your scan on the warehouses, I will
try and raise brigade HQ on the radio” Vasily made his commands clear and calm,
there was no point losing your head and panicking these boys in such a
situation he thought to himself. “Sparrow Red One this is Badger five zero
radio check over… Sparrow Red One this is Badger five zero key your mic if you
are receiving us in clear” Nothing. The high buildings were causing numerous
problems to the VHF radios and it was clear to Vasily that they had ended up
square in the middle of a radio dead spot.
“I see movement its ... on our right… shit” Sergey just had time
to get the words out. He had seen the flashes then tracer arced up and over
then down towards him, he instinctively ducked even though he was viewing all
this from a periscope and was protected by the steel armour of the vehicle.
Then pop.. pop ping… pop… ping ping.. a steady stream of lead impacted the
BRDMs hull on the right sides, the noise inside the vehicle was brutal like
being inside a kettle drum during a red square parade Sergey thought to himself.
The rounds were fired from a PKM machine gun located 300 metres distant, and
although the 7.7 mm rounds were incapable of penetrating the steel armour of
the vehicle, they were certainly capable of damaging all the optics and
sighting devices basically turning the crew blind to the outside world.
“Sergey.. damnit, give me a target indication” Vasily was annoyed he had not
seen the threat prior to this encounter. “Comrade sergeant… I see enemy gun
group.. 11 o clock… target in cover…err.. small white building” Sergey
uttered the often rehearsed target indication monologue though the intercom
just as if he were back in basic training only three months previously. “Gunner burst.. engage!!” Sergey the commander issued the fire commands in a
clear concise paused announcement. Pavel immediately cranked the turret to the
left and levelled the gun on a distant target the PP-61 sight gave him 2.6
times magnification as the white building came into the cross hairs, he pressed
his boot firmly onto the foot activated trigger. Kerchunk..chuk chuk chuk…
within a split second a burst of four of the 14.5mm high explosive incendiary
rounds had left the cannon, the brdm lazily jostled back and forth from the
recoil as if it were negotiating some speed bumps. Through the sight Pavel
followed the tracer as it satisfyingly arced up in the air visible were only super
bright pin pricks of yellow green light in less than a wink they had made the
short trip to the target. The high explosive rounds were designed to take down
high flying aircraft made of steel and aluminium the small brick structure
hiding the “Chorpkas” was no match. As they impacted the structure flashes
ignited and the explosions caused dust and debris to obscure the sight picture.
One round fell short hit the ground and glanced upwards towards the heavens its
tracer element grew dim as it made its way thousands of metres past the target
it reminded Pavel of fireworks on novi god. Pavel felt that nervous excitement
only men in combat can feel, also he felt pretty bloody smug that he had
basically obliterated the target within three seconds of his commander’s orders.
done lads. Boys were going to have to dismount and make our way back to the
brigade on foot... get your shit together.. You need your Avtomat.. Ammo… body armour
fuck all else... Understood” Sergei made a point of complimenting his lads they
were his young brothers and he was going to make sure they were safe. “Pavel,
Sergey prepare to exit from the left hatch, I will provide cover.. lads keep to
the right hand side of the road follow as best you can the same track we took
getting here, the area is mined our rendezvous will be that blue dacha we
passed about 150 metres to the North.. Understood”. Both men affirmed there
sergeants orders by looking square at him and nodding their approval. “Good..
on my mark.. GO” Vasily gave his orders instantaneously there simply was no
time to pause, think or even scratch ones ass it was move or die. He had seen
it before in Afghanistan, his comrades had been in a similar jam but chose to
try and wait it out, they waited alright, right until the point the mujahedeen
brought up an RPG and incinerated the poor bastards in what became a steel
coffin. Fuck that .Better to go out shooting a few of the bastards or just
maybe with some luck and gods will both the young lads can get back there
skinny asses back home he thought.
“Da vai!” Vasily levered the hatch open
and emerged pointing his AKM assault rifle in the direction of the perceived
threat. The fresh air felt wonderful in his lungs the cool light outside was stimulating,
far from feeling fear Vasily felt more alive at this particular moment. Simultaneously
Sergey levered open the left hatch, he put his weapon onto the hull of the
little tank and eased himself up and out of the tight confines of the vehicle,
and it was no easy feat whilst adorned with both body armour and bandoliered
ammunition. Once clear Pavel levered himself up, just as his upper body emerged
a single shot rang out. An unseen lone sniper over 500 metres distant had
surveyed the events once it was obvious to him that the huge cannon was
unmanned he brought the emerging crewman into the scope... an inhale of breath
a squeeze of the trigger on the 7.62 mm drugunov sniper rifle. Pavel began to
slump back into the vehicle the shot had impacted him square in the upper
chest. He could not even utter a word his mouth was filling with blood and he was
gasping for breath. Vasily had seen the single muzzle flash way in the distance,
then a second later the sickening crack and the thump sound of the round as it
hit his comrade. He shouldered his weapon and fired bursts of two to three
aimed shots at the apartment building window to try and supress the sniper.
“get him out .. im coming to help” Vasily
shouted. However, Sergey was already dragging the wounded crewman out of the
hatch. Fortunately the tall and athletic Sergey was able to drag the smaller
and lighter man out of the hatch. “Ive got you … don’t worry blondey .. you
will be ok” Sergey uttered words of compassion to the young man, but tears were
filling his eyes, before him he could see the life leaving the body of the
nineteen year old lad as he eased the now limp body on the ground. Vasily now
exited the confines of the vehicle as quickly as he could it was easier to jump
down to his front. The ruined remains of a kiosk were to his front adorned with
the remnants of the movie poster “come and see”. The irony of this cruel joke
could not be appreciated by Vasily as the last seconds counted down. The finger
was pressed on the remote trigger. The signal was sent down the wire. The wire
led to a battery operated mercury tilt switch connected to an improvised
detonator. The detonator was strapped to an unexploded 203 mm howitzer shell
which had been rigged into this overkill IED. The remains of the kiosk had
hidden the device from passing vehicles and the casual observer. In an instant
the 20 kilograms of RDX explosive is chemically transformed into pure energy of
heat and blast. The Chechens had hoped to take out a bigger prize such as a
full blown Russian t-72 tank but only the little BRDM had come to visit there
“playground”. The very air itself fire balled, Vasily, Pavel and Sergey felt
nothing as they were returned into atoms.